Actually to convert Excel table into HTML table is to use Save As web page either whole sheet or selection but we also can use VBA code below to convert by selecting table range example below and run the code. New pop up window will open notepad with HTML code inside and immediately can paste into your blog or webpage.
Run below code to get HTML code inside notepad.
VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Sub ToCreateTableForSelectedRange()
Dim OpnShell As Variant
Dim FSO, fs As Object
Dim StrPath As String
Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer
Dim Cell As Range, Rng As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim l As Integer, x As Integer
Dim DbWitdh() As Double, DbWitdhTot As Double
Dim DbWitdhP() As String, DbWitdhAcc As Double
Dim iColSp As Byte
Dim Qto As String, ClEnd As String
Dim BdOpn As String, BdCls As String
Dim TdOpn As String, TdCls As String
Dim TrOpn As String, TrCls As String
Dim TblOpn As String, TblCls As String
Dim StrStyle As String, StrTblWd As String
Dim StrCellSp As String, StrCellPd As String
Dim StrBdrCol As String, StrBdr As String
Dim TBdOpn As String, TBdCls As String
Dim StrCS As String, StrWd As String, StrAl As String
Qto = """": ClEnd = ">"
BdOpn = "<b>": BdCls = "</b>"
TdOpn = "<td": TdCls = "</td>"
TrOpn = "<tr>": TrCls = "</tr>"
StrStyle = " style=" & Qto & "border-collapse: collapse;"
StrTblWd = " width: 500px;" & Qto
StrCellSp = " cellspacing=" & Qto & "0" & Qto
StrCellPd = " cellpadding=" & Qto & "3" & Qto
StrBdrCol = " bordercolor=" & Qto & "#000000" & Qto
StrBdr = " border=" & Qto & "1" & Qto
TblOpn = "<table" & StrStyle & StrTblWd & StrCellSp & _
StrCellPd & StrBdrCol & StrBdr & ClEnd
TblCls = "</table>"
TBdOpn = "<tbody>": TBdCls = "</tbody>"
StrCS = " colspan=" & Qto: StrWd = " width=" & Qto
StrAl = " align=" & Qto & "Center" & Qto
Set Rng = Selection
If Rng.Rows.Count < 2 Or Rng.Columns.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox "Please select range with table!": GoTo Line1
End If
'To Create new Text File
StrPath = VBA.Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\TableGenerator.txt"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'To Check files existance and delete
On Error Resume Next
If Dir(StrPath) <> "" Then Kill StrPath
k = 1
For Each Cell In Rng
If Cell.Row > iRow And iRow > 0 Then Exit For
If iRow = 0 Then iRow = Cell.Row
If iCol = 0 Then iCol = Cell.Column
ReDim Preserve DbWitdh(k): DbWitdh(k) = Cell.ColumnWidth
DbWitdhTot = DbWitdhTot + DbWitdh(k)
iColSp = k
k = k + 1
For x = LBound(DbWitdh) + 1 To UBound(DbWitdh)
ReDim Preserve DbWitdhP(x)
If x < UBound(DbWitdh) Then
DbWitdhP(x) = Round((DbWitdh(x) / DbWitdhTot) * 100, 0)
DbWitdhAcc = DbWitdhAcc + DbWitdhP(x)
DbWitdhP(x) = 100 - DbWitdhAcc
End If
Next x
k = 1
If Dir(StrPath) = "" Then
Set fs = FSO.CreateTextFile(StrPath, 2)
With fs
.WriteLine TblOpn & TBdOpn
For i = iRow To iRow + Rng.Rows.Count - 1
l = 1
.WriteLine TrOpn
For j = iCol To iCol + iColSp - 1
If k = 1 Then
.WriteLine TdOpn & StrCS & iColSp & Qto & _
StrWd & DbWitdhP(l) & "%" & Qto & StrAl & _
ClEnd & BdOpn & Cells(i, j) & BdCls & TdCls
.WriteLine TdOpn & StrCS & iColSp & Qto & _
StrWd & DbWitdhP(l) & "%" & Qto & StrAl & _
ClEnd & Cells(i, j) & TdCls
End If
l = l + 1
Next j
.WriteLine TrCls
k = k + 1
Next i
.WriteLine TBdCls & TblCls
End With
End If
'Just To Open NotePad Created
If Err = 0 Then
OpnShell = Shell("C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe " & _
StrPath, vbNormalFocus)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'Reset Variables
iRow = 0: iCol = 0
Set Cell = Nothing: Set Rng = Nothing
Erase DbWitdh: DbWitdhTot = 0
Erase DbWitdhP: DbWitdhAcc = 0
iColSp = 0
End Sub
Sub ToCreateTableForSelectedRange()
Dim OpnShell As Variant
Dim FSO, fs As Object
Dim StrPath As String
Dim iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer
Dim Cell As Range, Rng As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim l As Integer, x As Integer
Dim DbWitdh() As Double, DbWitdhTot As Double
Dim DbWitdhP() As String, DbWitdhAcc As Double
Dim iColSp As Byte
Dim Qto As String, ClEnd As String
Dim BdOpn As String, BdCls As String
Dim TdOpn As String, TdCls As String
Dim TrOpn As String, TrCls As String
Dim TblOpn As String, TblCls As String
Dim StrStyle As String, StrTblWd As String
Dim StrCellSp As String, StrCellPd As String
Dim StrBdrCol As String, StrBdr As String
Dim TBdOpn As String, TBdCls As String
Dim StrCS As String, StrWd As String, StrAl As String
Qto = """": ClEnd = ">"
BdOpn = "<b>": BdCls = "</b>"
TdOpn = "<td": TdCls = "</td>"
TrOpn = "<tr>": TrCls = "</tr>"
StrStyle = " style=" & Qto & "border-collapse: collapse;"
StrTblWd = " width: 500px;" & Qto
StrCellSp = " cellspacing=" & Qto & "0" & Qto
StrCellPd = " cellpadding=" & Qto & "3" & Qto
StrBdrCol = " bordercolor=" & Qto & "#000000" & Qto
StrBdr = " border=" & Qto & "1" & Qto
TblOpn = "<table" & StrStyle & StrTblWd & StrCellSp & _
StrCellPd & StrBdrCol & StrBdr & ClEnd
TblCls = "</table>"
TBdOpn = "<tbody>": TBdCls = "</tbody>"
StrCS = " colspan=" & Qto: StrWd = " width=" & Qto
StrAl = " align=" & Qto & "Center" & Qto
Set Rng = Selection
If Rng.Rows.Count < 2 Or Rng.Columns.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox "Please select range with table!": GoTo Line1
End If
'To Create new Text File
StrPath = VBA.Environ("UserProfile") & "\Desktop\TableGenerator.txt"
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'To Check files existance and delete
On Error Resume Next
If Dir(StrPath) <> "" Then Kill StrPath
k = 1
For Each Cell In Rng
If Cell.Row > iRow And iRow > 0 Then Exit For
If iRow = 0 Then iRow = Cell.Row
If iCol = 0 Then iCol = Cell.Column
ReDim Preserve DbWitdh(k): DbWitdh(k) = Cell.ColumnWidth
DbWitdhTot = DbWitdhTot + DbWitdh(k)
iColSp = k
k = k + 1
For x = LBound(DbWitdh) + 1 To UBound(DbWitdh)
ReDim Preserve DbWitdhP(x)
If x < UBound(DbWitdh) Then
DbWitdhP(x) = Round((DbWitdh(x) / DbWitdhTot) * 100, 0)
DbWitdhAcc = DbWitdhAcc + DbWitdhP(x)
DbWitdhP(x) = 100 - DbWitdhAcc
End If
Next x
k = 1
If Dir(StrPath) = "" Then
Set fs = FSO.CreateTextFile(StrPath, 2)
With fs
.WriteLine TblOpn & TBdOpn
For i = iRow To iRow + Rng.Rows.Count - 1
l = 1
.WriteLine TrOpn
For j = iCol To iCol + iColSp - 1
If k = 1 Then
.WriteLine TdOpn & StrCS & iColSp & Qto & _
StrWd & DbWitdhP(l) & "%" & Qto & StrAl & _
ClEnd & BdOpn & Cells(i, j) & BdCls & TdCls
.WriteLine TdOpn & StrCS & iColSp & Qto & _
StrWd & DbWitdhP(l) & "%" & Qto & StrAl & _
ClEnd & Cells(i, j) & TdCls
End If
l = l + 1
Next j
.WriteLine TrCls
k = k + 1
Next i
.WriteLine TBdCls & TblCls
End With
End If
'Just To Open NotePad Created
If Err = 0 Then
OpnShell = Shell("C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe " & _
StrPath, vbNormalFocus)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'Reset Variables
iRow = 0: iCol = 0
Set Cell = Nothing: Set Rng = Nothing
Erase DbWitdh: DbWitdhTot = 0
Erase DbWitdhP: DbWitdhAcc = 0
iColSp = 0
End Sub
The result in HTML as below:
No. | Subject | Score | Grade | ||||||||||||
1 | English | 100 | |||||||||||||
2 | Mathematics | 65 | |||||||||||||
3 | Science | 30 | |||||||||||||
4 | Physics | 55 | |||||||||||||
5 | History | 20 | |||||||||||||
6 | Chemistry | 48 | |||||||||||||
7 | Biology | 70 | |||||||||||||
8 | Geography | 90 |
Practice makes perfect. Thank You.
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