User defined data type can be any data type using a Type statement which is more related to groups of variables. Declaration must be done at module level above the sub procedure, otherwise compile error: Invalid inside procedure as below.
Syntax :
Type MyType
Field1 as Any Data type
Field2 as Any Data type
End Type
The above syntax must be declare at module level and below statement is inside sub procedure.
Dim MyVar as MyType
From here we can access Field1,Field2,... and etc.
Refer below for example:
VBA Vode:
Type MyDetails
Myname As String
MyAge As Integer
MyBirthDate As Date
MyMarried As Boolean
End Type
Sub DataTypeExample_UserDefined()
Dim MyBio As MyDetails
MyBio.Myname = "Nazri"
MyBio.MyAge = 50
MyBio.MyBirthDate = "05/06/1978"
MyBio.MyMarried = True
MsgBox ("My name is " & MyBio.Myname & " my age is " & _
MyBio.MyAge & " and married is " & MyBio.MyMarried)
End Sub
This User defined data type is more to static, we can't changed this inside our code only at design stage.
vba coding, vba code at below links.
Microsoft Reference-User-defined-data-type
Other Reference-User-defined-types.htm
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