Monday, August 9, 2010

The best training tools for VBA

Actually the best training tools so far is record function in Excel. You can use this record function and playback again and again. After recording as you know you can view recorded code inside Visual Basic Editor Module. Therefore what you do is to record, view code and base on your recorded step understand these codes. If you kept trying and do trial and error of course one day you’re able to write your own code with simplicity compare with your recorded code because after recorded you’re are able to remove which code need or not. Now let try below code. Open your Visual Basic Editor and insert Module copy below code and paste inside.
Option Explicit
Sub Format1()

  ' Format1 Macro
  ' Macro recorded 8/9/2010 by
  With Selection.Interior
   .ColorIndex = 6
   .Pattern = xlSolid
  End With
  ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=18 ‘To scroll down
  With Selection.Interior
   .ColorIndex = 3
   .Pattern = xlSolid
  End With
  ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-30 ‘To scroll up

End Sub
Actually the above code was recorded base on the step below:
  1. Select Range (B2 and D4)
  2. Fill this range with yellow colored
  3. Scroll down
  4. Select Range (B20 and D22)
  5. Fill this range with red colored
  6. Scroll up
  7. Select Range A1
What do you think about your recorded code? Why we have so many scroll down, what happen if we delete? The answer if we delete nothing happen because scroll down is not compulsory step to completed the process. Therefore to simplify just remove scroll down code but end result remain the same. Good Luck Click here if you have any new project! Let us create for u for free. Thanks

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